Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Hiiiiiiiii again, I'm still alive!!!

Well, it seems that some people like my blog, or shall I say my short blog, I stopped bloggin since long time,although still was following the nice Libyan blogs, I admit I was lazy to stop blogging, but it’s not only that, my life changed much here, it’s completely a new life, it’s the life I was always dreaming of, but still, there is a huge empty space in my life, it’s my family, I miss them so much, it has been almost 8 months since I left them, it seems to me longer and shorter.
Longer as I miss them so much, can’t wait to meet them again, shorter because the time just flies, sometimes it’s scary how time just flies so fast, my life is based now on work, that’s the main part of my days, going to work in the morning, coming back in the evening, from one on call to the other on call and the week just ends and another week starts.
It’s scary because I have to study for my exams, my exam is on march next year, but with this speed of time, it will be soon.
Any way, hope I’ll prepare myself good for the exam and I can race time, at the moment my best friend(Benghazi citizen) is preparing for a very important exam, so I wish to him the best of luck, he deserves all the best.
I think I’ll stop here, I just wanted a start to refresh my blog, and thanks to all the bloggers who visit my b log and leave comments encouraging me to write, really I appreciate it.


Omar Gheriani said...

Welcome back, and I'm glad to see that you still can manage writing few words sometimes in your blog. I join you for wishing best of luck for BC in his exam. A Bientot!

Omar Gheriani said...

C'est moi encore une fois plus pour te dire que c'est encore 95 jours au just que vont aller tres vite. Alors, du courrage et a bientot!

Unknown said...

Hay people look who is here, someone shaking the dust off his blog page.
Welcome back doc.
Best of luck for u and ur friend Benghazi citizen, he has been missed recently too.

Father: 95 days?... counting down for what? a coming back home ? Or is it father-son secrets? Am I too nosy?

Lebeeya said...

Ahhh Sho, Ti waynik!! Welcome back! It's good to know you are still alive :)

A doctors life is not an easy life, good luck with your upcoming exam and keep us posted. Bahi.

Sho said...

thanks dear gheriani, yes as you said it's only 95 days or less now, and it's not a secret enlightened spirit ha ha, it's just that i'll meet my family abroad this summer, so I'm happy for that.
thanks snlightenend spirit and lebeeya for your comments, take care. bye now..

dusk till dawn said...

salam DR IRLAND spirit
how nice to see u bloging a gain, i do know how u feel with work and to be ready for ur next exams, wish u luck.been lazy thats true ,
so pleased ur gonna meet ur family soon, hope they will bring u some home made osban , i had my gidded and i did enjoy it,
theres and then just drop a line to see u still a live and kicking bro

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you here again
good luck for both of you
study well to pass with good marks

fe aman Allah

Benghazi Citizen said...

Well,,thank you very much for your support and wishes,..I won't say any more,,but you know how much that means to me..
Thank you Gheriani too..You both are so kind
Keep it up dear friend
See you soon
And ,,study well